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Main Street - Art Update

Writer: SonicSonic

Hi everyone, I'm Sonic - the Lead Artist & Project Consultant for Main Street, stopping in to give you all an update on our alpha progress!

First off, for those of you who never played the original version of the game - Main Street was made by River and I back in 2016-2017. It was our juvenile attempt at making a starter game; River was learning programming while I'd never done any pixel art before. But even with simple tiles, only a few shop items, and a small map Main Street functioned and was fun. We ended up sinking tons of hours into just playing the adorable market sim.

Now that we're re-releasing Main Street, River and I have both agreed that we'd like to do a total revamp of the game - starting with an overhaul on the old art and user interface.

Here are our priorities for the first open alpha release:

- New Character Sprite (With Improved Walking Animation)

- New Brick Walls & Doors (Open & Closed Versions)

- New User Interface Icons (Buy Shop, Sell Shop, Hire Employee, Fire Employee, Quit Job, Set Employee Wage, Toggle Stock Fill Mode, Toggle Stock Details, Buy Theme, Change Name, ect.)

- Improved Shop Decorations: Rugs, Lamps, Plants, and Windows (Door Mats, Hanging Light/Balloon Strands, Outdoor Lamps, Basic Shop Signs, Table/Chair, Cash Register, and more coming soon!)

We are super hyped for the re-release of Main Street and hope that you all will join in the excitement! Bringing our first game back to life is something I've been hoping River would ask me to do for years now, and we both have tons of ideas for future features and content!

Below are some progress pics showing the old user interface/art (on the left side) versus the new user interface/art (on the right side). Hope you all enjoy the changes!

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